Last Saturday we set up at Junklahoma in Piedmont, Oklahoma. The Old Store puts this show on once a year to go along with the towns founders day activities. This year was our third year and I think this was the busiest.
Let's start with #setupday!! We was the first ones at the set up because we needed to get back home for other stuff. Heather (one of the owners) was there with a bi smile on her face as always. This is a great show for bendors because the girls treat them like superstars. Leading up to the show they promote each vendor on their Facebook page. Then when you check in you are given a goodie bag with snacks and other stuff in it. They also give away free water to the vendors all day as we set up. After we set up (which is so smooth) we went to pick up another load of junk.
At most shows we have a 10 x 20 space (10 feet by 20 feet) so we have a lot of room to set up for large items. The show was no exception and we was on a corner so we got a little more room which is always nice. We had a lot of big items at the show plus a lot of glassware. I also had to make sure our booth inside was full and fluffed (pretty) for Saturday.
#Showday!! The shows are all different and started different times but because this one was outside customers were able to start shopping before 10 AM. Which to me if someone wants to buy I will sell. It is hard to sell and set up at the same time but it can't be done. As the day went on there was so many people!! At one point Tim was at one end of the booth and I was at the other selling left and right. It was awesome!! Here is something else the girls do for the vendors. They went around and asked everyone if they needed water, bathroom breaks, food or just anything at all. Then they also teamed up with the food truck to do a pre-order on food. Then the food truck would deliver it at noon on the day of the show. Best idea ever! Now this year we didn't do that because our friends had food trucks there and we wanted it but in the past we have done it and it really helps.
After the show.
At the end of the show we was tired but it was a great show. We left with a lot less then we came with and memories of a lifetime. Next year on the Saturday after Labor Day if you are in the area stop by Junklahoma. You will see what I mean when I say... " Best vendors, best promoters, best customers, awesome town, best junk around!
From sun up....
Happy Pickin'